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What is Keyword Research and the 4 Types of Keyword you need to know

What is Keyword Research and the 4 Types of Keyword you need to know


MIUSM-tech.COM - Keyword research is very important for websites. Keywords are keywords and phrases in blog content that people use to find your site on various search engines. Ranking for the right keywords can make your website a huge success.

Getting lots of traffic is great but getting targeted traffic is best. If you can find the best keywords for your website, it will not only bring you a lot of traffic, you will also get to know your customers better than your competitors. There are many keyword research tools available on the internet.
  1. Keyword Research Tips
  2. Tools for Keyword Research
  3. Keyword sections
    • 1. Head Keyword
    • 2. Body Keyword
    • 3. Long-tail keywords
    • How to get Long-tail keywords?
  4. Types of Keywords
    • 1. Commercial Keyword
    • 2. Informational Keyword
    • 3. Navigational Keywords
    • 4. Transactional Keyword
Usually, people don't put a lot of effort into keyword research for their posts. They found several keywords that they thought would be sought after by internet users, then entered them into Google's keyword planner and chose some random keywords.

If your onsite SEO uses the right keywords, you will see a high amount of traffic to your site via Google or Bing search engines. Which will then bring you more leads, sales, and customers to your site as well as more social media followers.

Most people use Google's keyword planner just to find keywords. I'm not saying that you shouldn't use Google keyword planner. In my opinion, don't completely depend on that tool, l. There are other tools as well and ways to find keywords which we will cover later in this post.

Keyword Research Tips

One easy tip when searching for keywords, ask yourself:
Do these keywords want to rank and relate to your industry?
When searchers find your site with these keywords, they will be happy to find it.
Will this keyword traffic be useful? Will people find your website with these keywords interested in buying something?
If the answer above is yes, then that's a good keyword.

Tools for Keyword Research

There are lots of tools for keyword research, both free and paid. Below are the best tools for keyword research that you should try:
  • Google AdWords keyword planner
  • KWfinder
  • SEMrush
  • MOZ`s Keyword Explorer
  • Keywordtool.io
  • Keyword discovery
  • Ubersuggest
  • Google Trends
  • Solve
  • Keyword shitter
  • SEO book
  • Microsoft bing ads intelligence
  • Wordtracker
  • Keyword Spy

Keyword sections

Keywords can be divided into three parts, firstly Head keywords, Body keywords and finally Long-tail keywords.

1. Head Keyword

Head keywords are one word keywords and have a large number of searches and quite high competition. It is very difficult to rank them on Google if your site is new. Examples of keywords such as cars, drugs, machines.

2. Body Keyword

Body keywords are 2-3 word phrases that have a good number of searches. Examples such as the price of a car, headache medicine. Body keywords have less competition than head keywords which only use one word.

3. Long-tail keywords

If the keyword is longer than four words, it is called Long-tail keywords. It doesn't have a lot of monthly searches, but the competition for this keyword is pretty low. So giving an opportunity to be in the first rank on Google is quite easy compared to the two keywords above.

Body keywords and Long-tail keywords are the best choices to target. Long-tail keywords are low-competition and easy to rank for when you target them. But you will get fewer searches every month. If you want to get traffic through targeting Long-tail keywords, you need to write hundreds of articles on them.

How to get Long-tail keywords?

Google keyword planner is a great tool for doing keyword research. But this will provide the same keywords for everyone. So, everyone is trying to rank for the same keywords.

To overcome this you can use the following tools to find Long-tail keywords:
  • Answer the public
  • Google AutoComplete Tool
  • Google Auto Suggest tool
  • Semrush
  • KWFinder
  • longtailpro
  • Soovle
  • Ubersuggest
  • Keywordtool.io

If you find some keywords, it's important to check if they have commercial intent. Commercial intent is even more important than search volume. When traffic comes from informational keywords, not commercial keywords, it reduces conversions to paying customers. High-converting keywords are great if you want to sell more products through your website. commercial intent keywords are the most valuable keywords.

Types of Keywords

Below are 4 types of keywords that you need to know as follows:

1. Commercial Keyword

This type of keyword is very profitable meaning that everyone who searches for it is ready to buy something or has decided to buy what he is looking for. Suppose you sell insurance then the keyword "type of insurance" will not be useful unless you make money with Google AdSense.

The best way to check whether a keyword you found is profitable or not, is just to google it and see the search results. What kind of website is coming? Would you like to be among them? Also check the keyword that there are how many websites above by paying to Google through Google AdWords.

2. Informational Keyword

There are many keywords that have a large amount of search volume, but if you use them in website promotion, there will be no conversion as these keywords. What people are looking for is purely informational like they want to get some information about something. So if you're selling something, it's not going to lead to many conversions. However, this type of keyword is good if you are making money from Google AdSense or other types of publisher networks.

These types of keywords are keywords that people look for when they search for a particular brand they know. In the search results, they will go directly to the website they are looking for. So, even if you rank using these types of keywords, you are more likely to be ignored by searchers.

4. Transactional Keyword

Transactional is the second best type of keyword after commercial keywords. Someone who has searched for information through Informational keywords and made a decision to buy something will search for things like “buy”, “discount”, “for sale,” another thing that is keywords that describe the product more precisely such as “discounted black Adidas shoes online.”

So this post is about what is keyword research and the 4 types of keywords that you need to know . Hopefully useful for those of you who are looking for information about SEO. If there are shortcomings, don't hesitate to leave a comment below.
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